Tuesday, September 18, 2007

We Are On Our Way Home!!

It is 12:30 am in Kiev and our lawyer will be at the apartment to pick us up at 4:30 to head to the airport. We fly out of Kiev for Prague at 6:30 am on Czech Airlines flight #4919. We arrive at 7:45. After a 3 plus hour layover we head for JFK on flight #5 at 11:00 and arrive at 14:15. We then have a 5 plus hour layover - but we need up to two hours to process all the documents for the girls. We will switch to Delta and fly to Salt Lake. We leave JFK at 19:31 and arrive at 22:59. Time is almost out so we will talk to you tomorrow or today - however you look at it!

Here a picture of our return trip. They finally slept at JFK.

Monday, September 17, 2007

More Pictures

1 - Spitting watermelon seeds over the fense.

2 - Cassidee squeezing the life out of a poor frog. (we saved it! )

3 - Garrett was invited to swim today- it was good because he is homesick and is sad to have missed the 1st day of school.

4 - Garrett says hello from Krasnokutsk, Ukraine.
5 - This is our street. It is only 6:50 and there are about 3 neighbors already burning their garbage! Very stinky!

6 - Karina playing hide and seek in the woods.

7 - These are some of the darling little boys at the orphanage.

More Pictures

I am not sure how the order of these pictures will go but here is a list of them: 1) This is the village ambulance. I wonder if they have any openings? 2) Can you say Hogan's Heros? 3) Polka anyone? 4) 5) they love to burn garbage all day long. 6) Karina sets up bowling on a rainy day visit.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

More Village Pictures

Now that we have internet access once again, we are putting some more pictures on.

The market's meat counter. The next one is how they paint lines in the street. One is the Doctor of the orphanage's car.

9/16 CHURCH!!!!

Last Night we were able to get in contact with a pair of the missionaries here. They met us this morning and walked us to church! The church is downtown and is on the 3rd floor of a big building. It was an English speaking branch. It was so nice to feel of the spirit and be around something familiar. It is so true when people say that the church is the same everywhere. It was the same 3 hr. block and same lessons, everything was the same. There were only 5 kids in the primary, 3 of which were ours! There are 20 something sisters who are here to teach English. There were a few American and Canadian families that live here for their jobs. There were a few members that had been on missions to America, England, etc. who wanted to keep up their English.

When we got there and sat down, the girls were amazingly good! (normally kind of wild!) The branch president's wife was behind us and shared books, coloring pages, etc. One of the missionaries was also behind us and I would occasionally turn around and have him translate something to the girls so they would know what was going on.

When we started the opening song, I was so overcome with emotion, the spirit was so incredibly strong, I couldn't sing past the first half of the 1st verse. I could only seem to cry. I can not explain the emotions that overcame me. The talks were incredible.

After that, the girls and Garrett went to Primary. 2 sisters that were there for the English teaching program conducted and played the piano. When they found out I was the chorister they were really happy to recruit me for singing. It was really fun! There was a sweet Ukrainian sister that sat next to my girls and translated everything! So, we did head, shoulders, knees, and toes, popcorn popping, Autumn time, The wise man and the foolish man, Book of Mormon Stories, Jesus Wants me for a Sunbeam and a bunch of others. When they did sharing time the same sister translated the entire thing to my girls! It was so great to see them in that setting. I left and went to Relief Society and left the kids in their class. The teacher later said that Garrett is so smart and had the answer to everything and the girls were good and even came up front to help out with some actions. As soon as it was over, they started running around and climbing over the couches and so on. It will take some time to train them, they are "wild", literally!

We are taking the missionaries to a cafe near our apartment tomorrow and they will teach the kids some basics about the church. It was so good to talk to people "like us" today, and we are looking forward to it tomorrow!

Well, we go tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. to the girls Dr. appts. then to drop off papers at the US consolate. Then go back the next day to consolate for Interview to get Visas. We have to leave for the airport on Wed. morning around 4:00 A.M. !!!!! Yikes! We pick up our tickets tomorrow and will have exact travel info posted on the blog tomorrow between 11:00- 2:00 your time. We do know that the plane gets in around 11:00 P.M. Wed. night.

We are so excited to be home and get the girls into our little "Utah Bubble" (as the Relief Society teacher today joked about!). Garrett is sick to death of all the smoke, beer, "inappropriate clothing".

Well, got to go, computer time is up! love you all!


Saturday, September 15, 2007

Update 9/15

We made it to Kiev. The train was an early one and the girls were excited to go but not excited about getting up at 5:30 am. We have a nice apartment near our first one so we are lucky to already know where everything is located. Also now we can communicate enough to get what we need.

We did go to TGI Friday's tonight and were able to read an English menu. Yeah! The girls ate good and after they polished off their french fries and half their hambuger the waitress came by and they asked for two more in Ukraine. They are so funny and eat like our older sons. As long as Karina likes it Cassidee follows suit. Otherwise if she says, "Foo", then no chance of Cassidee even trying it. They say Foo a lot without even trying some things. Once they do it is a different story.

We purchased our plane tickets today and will be back in SLC on 9/19 - Wed - at 11:00 PM. I will remember to get flight numbers tomorrow.

See you all soon!

Greg, Leah, Garrett, Karina, and Cassidee

Friday, September 14, 2007

Update 9/14

We could not resist getting a picture of them sleeping. After a long day they were so tired they went to bed fairly well. They were excited to catch the train the next day. We did not get the passports as planned on Thursday but we did on Friday afternoon. One problem, we could not get a ticket for the Friday 6 pm train so we will leave tomorrow morning for Kiev (Saturday 7am).

Our stay in Kharkov has been great. We enjoy the apartment. It is very nice and was only $60 US. More than worth the extra $10 versus our village accommodations. We ventured to a pizza place tonight. Very wimpy, no toppings, very little cheese or sauce, and as Garrett put it, “This taste nothing like pizza”! Well it was not that bad and to get three pizzas for 42rph - $8.40 US you can not complain too much. I will miss the good food prices.

We will visit the US Consulate on Monday to take care of visas and medical exams for the girls. We promised Garrett a trip to Independence Square for another meal at McDonalds. The girls are excited as well to have a hamburger since Papa’s was “Yum Yum”.

We will try and get pictures on the web in Kiev but the internet cafe we were at the first time had their own computers and did not allow jump drives. We have a Wi-Fi place here in Kharkov and it has been much nicer to work from my own laptop. Leah and I both went there and had some yummy desserts.

We better get some sleep since it is after Midnight and our driver will pick us up at 6:00 am. Keep leaving comments; we love to hear from all of you.

Best wishes and we will see you next week! Love Ya, Greg, Leah, Garrett, Karina, and Cassidee.

Our Little Helper

What a little helper! After lunch today Cassidee went in and started doing dishes. I got a few pictures and Leah took some video with her phone. I hope it turns out.

He's Hooked

We got one of our lawyer, Roman, hooked on a game called Luxor. He sat and played it for a few hours today. He was funny! Leah’s mom got us hooked on it too. We will have to find him a copy and mail it too him.

Village Food

Here are some pictures of the refrigerator at the house in the village. Notice the fish on the bottom shelf. Talk about your sushi. They just cut it off and eat it. It was there for several days and it smelled bad. Some of the items on the top shelf were there since we arrived on 8/15. I do not even want to know what they were. All the items in sealed container are ours. We ate a lot of Raman noodles, instant potatoes, and eggs.

The items in the freezer are loose pieces of meat just frozen in place. The market is the same way. We never got a picture but one of the stores had a half- yes a half of a pig’s head loose in their freezer. No we did not buy any frozen food there! The other picture is what they had to use to cut up their meat. Medieval if you ask me!!

Orpahage Pictures

We had to make a mandatory $1,000 US “Donation” at the orphanage - $500 per child. Around a week later we noticed some new windows going in. We hope that our money went to help improve the kids living conditions. The old windows looked quite drafty and these ones are much better.

Here are some pictures of Karina’s sleeping area. The tents are the kids’ pillows. There were 15 beds in this one room, about the size of our living room.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New Jackets and Shoes

Here are the girls back at the orphanage in their new jackets and their new shoes! Very excited!

Hard life in the village

This is a sweet little lady who lives nearby. She has to carry pails of water about 2 blocks, stopping about every 5 feet. This is her going to the market-about 1 mile round trip.

Garrett Found Legos

Now he's happy! We found this for 10.00 at the grocery store! Yes! Grocery store! Ah... Normalcy!

A Day at the Zoo

Yesterday afternoon we took the kids to a toy store near our apartment. Garrett got some action figures, Karina picked out a stuffed Tigger and Ariel doll, and Cassidee chose a stuffed Winnie the Pooh and a different Ariel doll. Karina especially loves her Tigger. She carries it around hugging it all the time.

Today we took the kids to the zoo. It only cost $6 US to get all 5 of us in. Leah wondered how they could care for all the animals with such a low entrance fee. We quickly realized that it is because they do not care for the animals. PETA would have a stroke if they saw some of the conditions the animals were in. We took a few pictures while we were there. The girls had fun on some of the rides they had inside. They got to ride on a horse and pony. We are sure it was probably their first time on a horse. It made for a very fun and tiring day.

We should get passports tomorrow which means we will take the train to Kiev. The girls are really excited to ride on the train! Once in Kiev we will then do mandatory US Doctor check-ups for the girls, visas, and other business.

Our lawyer found us some even better airfares. We now will go from Kiev to Prague, New York, then to SLC. We will not be getting in until around 11:00 pm on Wednesday 9/19. We can’t wait to see everyone.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Girl's Going Away Party

We threw a party for Karina and Cassidee's group on their final day. We bought bananas, juice, and cookies for them all. They all sat so good and ate their treats. Several of the kids had no idea how to open the banana. We took some pictures of these darling kids during the party and afterwards.

I wonder if the girls will miss their friends and the care-takers. They did spend over two years and Karina would have left for another orphanage on September 1st - the beginning of the school year so they would have been separated. I know that the Lord does thing a specific way and if it was not for all the trials and problems we faced over the last two plus years we would have never found these little blessings in our life.

We will update more tomorrow, Love Greg, Leah, Garrett, Karina, and Cassidee.

The Open Market in the Village

We have visited an open market several days during our stay. It is very interesting commerce. They own these storage shed style steel boxes that open each morning at 8:00 and close around noon. Here are a few pictures of the open market. We found many great deals on clothes and other items. We bought 20 new pairs of underwear, 20 pairs of warm leg stockings - "tights", and a lot of socks for the orphanage. It was all under $35 US. The looks on these little angles when they showed us their new items would just melt your heart. This has been a very touching experience.

One Step Closer

We are now in Kharkov. We arrived here Monday morning. The apartment is very nice and we are close to everything we need, even a Wi-Fi cafe. YEAH!!!

We finished submitting all the passport information and now we play the waiting game. Our lawyer thinks we will have them Thursday or Friday. She left for Kiev today. We ate at McDonald's yesterday so Garrett was excited to "Finally eat some American food". He has been a real trooper through all this. This is a picture of Garrett and Karina by the McDonald's slide. The girls like dad's Big Mac more than the McNuggets. It cost close to what it does in the US to eat there. We spent 115rph which is a bit more than $20.

We will try and update things daily as long as the laptop battery will last in the Wi-Fi cafe. Right now our plans are to return on 9/19. We will leave Kiev at 6:30 am and arrive in SLC sometime around 9 pm the same day. We had to forget about our old tickets for the return on 9/13 and purchase new ones since the fees to change would be more than the new ones. This time we go through Paris to Cincinnati then to SLC.

We will update more tomorrow. Please leave some comments. We sure enjoy hearing from everyone. See you in 8 more days.

Friday, September 7, 2007

New Birth Certificates!!

Today we went to the city where the girls' birth certificates were registered. If you all like thrill rides, just come on over here and ride in the back seat of our driver's car!!! Holy Cow!!! Anyway, we got the new birth certificates which have us listed as their parents and also have their new names on them! yeah!

Tomorrow, Saturday, we go and officially get the girls from the orphanage. We bought bananas, juice, and cookies for all the kids in their group for a goodbye party. Even though the girls are excited I'm sure they will be sad to leave as well. They have many good friends there and great caretakers that love them.

We have grown to love many of the children there and gotten to know them quite well. Even though we are glad to be done with this phase of the process, we are sad to be saying goodbye to some of the kids. There are a few that have really grabbed our hearts.

We have been anxiously counting down the days till we could leave this village, but today as we drove through the town I saw several faces of people we have gotten to know from shopping in their markets or going to the cafe, orphanage, etc. I realized, we will actually miss this place!

Regardless, we are GLAD to finally be leaving on Monday morning, with OUR new daughters! We will stay in Kharkiv for a couple of days taking care of the passports.

Well, got to go to bed! We will keep you posted!


Leah and Greg