Monday, August 13, 2007

SDA appointment

Today we had our appointment at the SDA. It was really frightening. We waited outside in a courtyard, eventually were called inside where we walked up some bland stairs into a hot, humid stuffy office, to meet with the child Psychologist and interpreter. We were shown files of kids that were mentally retarded, sibling groups that included boys, and other unsuitable things. So, we actually chose a group with a 10 year old boy, 8 and 5 year old girls. All healthy except for Scoliosis for the boy. Garrett was ecstatic about having a brother. When they went to call the orphanages (they are at 2 different ones), they found out that the 2 older kids are on a hosting trip to Italy right now and won't be back till Sept. 6. Wow, so we would have to stay here till then just to even start the whole process. So, Natalia, our lawyer, called the orphanage director herself and found a set of 2 girls. She went back to the SDA and insisted they find the files, which they did. We go back tomorrow to look at them, they are 5 and 6 or 6 and 7. I can't remember! Anyway, we are nervous again. I hope all works out, wish us luck! Please include us in your prayers.

We will try to find a way to post pics soon. Bye all! luv ya! Greg, Leah, and Garrett.


Blaine said...

We wish you well! What region are you headed to?

Cozie Schaffer said...
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Cozie Schaffer said...
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Unknown said...

Thank-you so much for sharing your blog with me. I am so excited for your family! You are in my prayers everyday! Sounds like yesturday was a hard one, thank goodness your lawyer is on the ball! I can't wait to hear more! Kharkov is a big city with internet cafes, if you are in an outlying area with no access, maybe you can get a driver to take you into the city for site seeing and shopping and use find a internet spot then, you should have alot of down time between orphanage visits until you get court date
