Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pumpkin Carving

We carved pumpkins tonight. The girls had a ton of fun. This was the first time they had ever carved a pumpkin and they did a great job.
Cassidee was teasing us saying she was going to eat the insides of the pumpkin. She did try a few seeds and like those. Karina was too busy working on her masterpiece. It is amazing how well they are doing with their English. They are so excited for Halloween tomorrow.

We took them to a Corn Maze Monday night and they loved it. A scary guy came out right at the first. Cassidee was not happy about that. I had to carry her for the first ten minutes before she would let me put her down. Karina told us she would beat-up the guy if he tried to scare her. I am thinking she would hold her own too.

Karina Attends Birthday Party

Karina attends a costume party for her friend Jacelee. She loves her Princess costume. She did excellent at eating the doughnuts hanging from a string.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Getting Settled In

We have had many things happen since our return on 9/19. The girls are getting adjusted very well. They continue to progress with their English and are starting to even use English with each other. This is great progress.

The Girls started school last Monday. Cassidee is in morning Kindergarten and Karina is in 1st Grade. Both of their teachers are very complimentary of their progress. Karina has a friend - Jacelee - who is taken her by the hand and shown her all the things she needs to know. She has been a great helper. They have an ESL - English as a Second Language - program at their school. The ESL teacher is also praising them.

The pictures are of the girls first day of school, playing in the snow, girls with new coats and boots, and their new dresses.

Leah's father passed away on Thursday morning. We are so happy he was able to met and spend some time with the girls. The funeral is tomorrow and we will try and update more later in the week.